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Pregnancy Services


All tailored to suit your little one on board, while your bump blossoms and body changes never more a perfect time to treat yourself. Pamper those tired legs and heavy feet and see to that achy back. Either here at the retreat or in the comfort of your own home.

It’s important whilst pregnant that we take extra of what products we are using on the skin, Essential oils must be avoided during the first Trimester and some are ok in the second but not all. Its also important to check facial products. Products such as chemical sunscreens, Hydroquinone, retinol, beta hydroxy acids, Diethanolamine (DEA), parabens and Phthalates should be avoided. Its important you let me know if you are expecting as some treatments can’t be carried out during the first trimester. If you are keeping the pregnancy quiet your secret is safe with me, I take client confidentiality very seriously.

Gift Vouchers are also available , making the perfect gift for expectant friends and work colleague's or Baby shower gift.

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